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What is Recommend?

Recommend helps you find products that are right for you — products that are perfect for your lifestyle and personality, so you can spend more time loving your life and less time worrying about what table lamp gives you the best value for money.

Can I buy products on Recommend?

No, you can't buy products on Recommend. However, you can easily find products you like, and we will take you directly to the web shop where you can buy them. For finding your favorite products you can use our search engines, or you can check out recommendations of your shopping community.

How can I get free delivery on Recommend?

Sign up for Recommend and find the product or products you want to purchase. After completing the payment on the website of one of our partner stores, share your order number with us, and we'll refund the full delivery amount.

I forgot my e-mail. What should I do?

Please contact us via email or visit our Help Center page for more infromation.

Recommend helps you find products that are right for you — products that are perfect for your lifestyle and personality, so you can spend more time loving your life and less time worrying about what table lamp gives you the best value for money.